Structural and optical properties of Cerium doped Calcium Fluoride nanoparticles prepared by copercipitation

Document Type : Reasearch Paper


1 Physics department of Imam Khomeini international university, Qazvin, Iran.

2 Chemistry department of Imam Khomeini international university, Qazvin, Iran.



Calcium fluoride nanoparticles with special amount of cerium ion (%1) were synthesized by coprecipitation. Fourier transforms infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), absorption and photoluminescence (PL) from CaF2Ce nanoparticles has been investigated. FTIR spectra reveal that there are some amounts of OH, NO3 and other organic functional groups on the particle surfaces before the post annealing process. X-ray diffraction results indicate an improvement in crystalline quality with annealing. Intensity of fluorescent bands as well as the absorption edge of the prepared nanoparticles is also very relevant to the annealing temperature.
