An overview of scanning near-field optical microscopy in characterization of nano-materials

Document Type : Review


1 Catalysis and Nanotechnology Research Division, Research Institute of Petroleum Industry, P. O. Box: 1485733111, Tehran, Iran.

2 Catalysis and nanotechnology research division, research institute of petroleum industry, P. O. Box: 1485733111, Tehran, Iran.



Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy (SNOM) is a member of scanning probe microscopes (SPMs) family which enables nanostructure investigation of the surfaces on a wide range of materials. In fact, SNOM combines the SPM technology to the optical microscopy and in this way provide a powerful tool to study nano-structures with very high spatial resolution. In this paper, a qualified overview of diverse SNOM methods mostly based on aperture and aperture-less is presented.
