Effect of nanozeolite 13X on thermal and mechanical properties of Polyurethane nanocomposite thin films

Document Type : Reasearch Paper


1 Separation Processes Research Group (SPRG), Department of Engineering, University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran.

2 Polymer Science & Technology Division, Research Institute of Petroleum Industry, Tehran, Iran.

3 Separation Processes Research Group (SPRG), Department of Engineering, University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran. Energy Research Institute, University of Kashan, Ghotb-e-Ravandi Ave., Kashan, Iran.



Polyurethane/zeolite 13X nanocomposite films were fabricated using solution casting method. The synthesized nanocomposite films were structurally characterized using SEM, TGA and tensile analysis. SEM images showed appropriate distribution of nanocrystalline zeolite particles within polyurethane matrix. Better thermal stability of nanocomposite films in comparison to neat polyurethane was shown in TGA analysis. The tensile analyses were carried out for neat polyurethane (PU) and nanocomposite PU/zeolite 13X films. Adding 5 wt. % of nanozeolite 13X into the polymer matrix caused tensile strength to increase but by increasing zeolite content to 10wt. % and 20wt. % tensile strength decreased. Also, comparison of young’s modulus of samples showed that the young’s modulus and thus stiffness of composites increased with increasing the zeolite content. Strain at breaking point of nanocomposites decreased by increasing the zeolite content, as well.


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