Scanning hall probe microscopy technique for investigation of magnetic properties

Document Type : Review


1 Catalysis and nanotechnology research division, research institute of petroleum industry, P. O. Box: 1485733111, Tehran, Iran.

2 Science and Chemical technology research division, research institute of petroleum industry, P. O. Box: 1485733111, Tehran, Iran.



Scanning Hall Probe Microscopy (SHPM) is a scanning probe microscopy technique developed to observe and image magnetic fields locally. This method is based on application of the Hall Effect, supplied by a micro hall probe attached to the end of cantilever as a sensor.  SHPM provides direct quantitative information on the magnetic state of a material and can also image magnetic induction under applied fields up to ~1 tesla. This method is non-invasive with high spatial resolution and sensitivity. Furthermore, this microscopy technique can be operated in a wide range of temperatures while the magnetic field caused by hall probe is so minimal, which has negligible effect on the measuring process. Meanwhile, the sample does not need to be an electrical conductor, unless using Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) for height control. SHPM measurements can be performed in ultra-high vacuum (UHV) and are non-destructive for crystal lattice and complicated structures.


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