The Green route of Silver nanotechnology: Phytosynthesis and applications

Document Type : Review


1 Department of Biotechnology, School of life sciences, Vels University (VISTAS) Chennai-600117 India.

2 CoET, Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah University, Rajouri, Jammu & Kashmir – 18513 India.



Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are amongst the most investigated materials in nanotechnology in view of their unique physio-chemical features and applications in restorative science. Their progressive usages in different fields of science besides some predominant restrictions with conventional methods for their synthesis have demanded analysts to discover green courses for their creation. Biological methods are the preferred to combat with the issues concerned with the nanoparticle synthesis. Within this decade, thousands of plants have been screened to analyze their final impact on characterization and morphology of AgNPs compared to general approach of their synthesis. Phytosynthetic method is an eco-friendly route that can lead to an advanced production of silver nanoparticles with controlled morphology. We herein reviewed the present aspects of phytosynthesis of AgNPs and their importance in modern science. Moreover, overviews of proposed mechanisms in this technology have also been included, which ultimately provide some insights of their safe use and demand for further research.


Main Subjects

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