Efficient removal of reactive Blue-19 from textile wastewater by adsorption on methyl Imidazolium modified LUS-1 and MCM-48 nanoporous

Document Type : Reasearch Paper


1 Department of Chemistry, Yadegar -e- Imam Khomeini (RAH) Shahre Rey Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Department of Chemistry, Savadkooh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Savadkooh, Iran.

3 School of Chemistry, College of Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

4 Center of Excellence in Electrochemistry, School of Chemistry, College of Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

5 Biosensor Research Center, Endocrinology & Metabolism Molecular-Cellular Sciences Institute, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

6 Department of Chemistry, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran.


In this study, N-methyl-N'propyltrimethoxysilylimidazoliummodified LUS-1 and MCM-48 nonoporous materials were prepared and employed as adsorbent for removing Reactive Blue-19 from aqueous solutions.LUS-1 and MCM-48 were made based on the previous procedure and modified with N-methyl-N'propyltrimethoxysilylimidazolium chloride. XRD analyses did not show any lattice alteration between modified and unmodified adsorbents. A hexagonal mesophase structure with the P6mm symmetry for LUS-1 and IM-LUS-1, and a cubic Ia3d space group for MCM-48 and IM-MCM-48 were observed. UV/Vis spectrophotometry was used to determine of the dye concentration in the solution. Batch studies were conducted in order to find the optimum adsorption conditions and investigation of different empirical parameters like the pH impact, contact time, the amount of adsorbent, and concentration of dye on adsorption process. The best dye removal efficiency of the adsorbents were more than 93% at pH= 3.0-7.0 after about 3 min for IM-LUS-1 and after 30 min for IM-MCM-48. RB-19 dye was desorbed from both of the adsorbents with 10 mL of sodium hydroxide 2 M during 5 min. There was well match between the data and the Langmuir model with maximum adsorption capacities 476.2 mg/g IM-LUS-1 and 277.8 mg/g IM-MCM-48. The reusability of the sorbents were higher than 4 cycles. In addition, removal percent of RB-19 dye from 50 mL of real textile wastewater with 20 mg of IM-LUS-1 and IM-MCM-48 were 93.0 (± 0.6) and 90.2 (± 0.7), respectively. The results showed that this method might be appropriate for removing the pollutant dyes from textile wastewater.


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