Copper nanoparticles synthesized using Echinops sp. root extract for antimicrobial applications

Document Type : Reasearch Paper


Department of Applied Chemistry, School of Applied Natural Science, Adama Science and Technology University, P. O. Box 1888, Adama, Ethiopia.


Metallic nanoparticles synthesised via green synthetic route have been proved to be detrimental against pathogens. An attempt was made to synthesise copper nanoparticles (EcS-Cu NPs) using the root extract of Echinops sp., Ethiopian medicinal plant. The most advanced techniques were employed to characterize the NPs. The presence of absorbance maxima, λmax at 454 nm confirms the formation of EcS-Cu NPs. The role of biomolecules as capping agents for EcS-Cu NPs was authenticated by FT-IR spectra. The presence of a single weak peak in the XRD pattern of NPs confirmed amorphous nature of NPs. The purity of the NPs was corroborated by SEM-EDAX analysis. TEM-HRTEM-SAED analysis authenticated the presence of partially crystalline natured copper NPs with the appearance of weak concentric SAED rings. The EcS-Cu NPs showed significant synergistic antibacterial influence verses S. aureus, E. coli, P. aeruginosa, and E. aerogenes. The uppermost zone of inhibition of 13 mm was inscribed against S. aureus bacteria. EcS-Cu NPs exhibited better antibacterial activities against gram positive and gram negative bacteria.


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