Structure, optical and photoluminescent properties of hybrid polymer nanocomposites on the base PP+CdS/ZnS

Document Type : Reasearch Paper


1 Baku State University, Azerbaijan, Department Chemical Physics of Nanomaterials, AZ 1148, Zahid Khalilov Str. 23, Baku, Azerbaijan.

2 Baku State University, Azerbaijan, Department Chemical Physics of Nanomaterials, Nanoresearch Laboratory, AZ 1148, Zahid Khalilov Str. 23, Baku, Azerbaijan.


In this work, PP+CdS/ZnS transparent hybrid polymer nanocomposites were synthesized and studied. The nanocomposites were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive (EDS), and UV-spectroscopy analysis. It was found that the bandgap of PP+1%CdS/ZnS; PP+3%CdS/ZnS, and PP+5%CdS/ZnS; PP+10%CdS/ZnS nanocomposites is 5.2 eV, 5.1 eV, 4.6 eV, respectively. SEM analysis showed that the ZnS and CdS nanoparticles are evenly distributed in the polymer matrix. Furthermore, the average size of nanoparticles in the PP+3%CdS/ZnS, PP+5%CdS/ZnS nanocomposite is 40-54 nm, 29-56 nm, respectively. Photoluminescence properties of hybrid PP+CdS/ZnS nanocomposites were also investigated. It was established that introduction of ZnS and CdS semiconductor nanoparticles into the polypropylene matrix leads to expanding the region of the spectral sensitivity of hybrid nanocomposites. The photosensitivity of PP+CdS/ZnS nanocomposite films was also investigated.


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