Gate structural engineering of MOS-like junctionless Carbon nanotube field effect transistor (MOS-like J-CNTFET)

Document Type : Reasearch Paper


Department of Electrical Engineering, Nour Branch, Islamic Azad University, Nour, Iran.


In this article, a new structure is presented for MOS (Metal Oxide Semiconductor)-like junctionless carbon nanotube field effect transistor (MOS-like J-CNTFET), in which dual material gate with different work-functions are used. In the aforementioned structure, the size of the gates near the source and the drain are 14 and 6 nm, respectively, and the work-functions are equal and 0.5 eV less than the work-function of the intrinsic carbon nanotube. The simulation is carried out in the ballistic regime using the non-equilibrium Green's function (NEGF) in the mode space approach. The simulation results show that the proposed structure has a better am-bipolar behavior and less OFF current compared to a conventional junctionless structure with the same dimensions. In the new structure, the hot carrier effect is also reduced due to the reduced electric field near the drain, and with regard to a peak in the electric field curve at the junction of two gates, the gate control on the channel will be increased.


Main Subjects

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