Combined effects of pressure, temperature, and magnetic field on the ground state of donor impurities in a GaAs/AlGaAs quantum heterostructure

Document Type : Reasearch Paper


Department of Physics, An-Najah National University, Nablus,West Bank, Jordan.


In the present work, the exact diagonalization method had been implemented to calculate the ground state energy of shallow donor impurity located at finite distance along the growth axis in GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure in the presence of a magnetic field taken to be along z direction. The impurity binding energy of the ground state had been calculated as a function of confining frequency and magnetic field strength. We  found that the ground state donor binding energy (BE)  calculated at =2  and  , decreases from BE=7.59822  to BE=2.85165 , as we change the impurity position from d=0.0  to d=0.5  ,respectively .In addition, the combined effects of pressure and temperature on the binding energy, as a function of magnetic field strength and impurity position, had been shown using the effective-mass approximation. The numerical results show that the donor impurity binding energy enhances with increasing the pressure while it decreases as the temperature decreases.


Main Subjects

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